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Winz OSCAR Subsidy Information

How Often Do I need to Submit the Forms?

Families need to re-apply for the OSCAR subsidy​




(see below for what form to use)


It's okay if you only have a Term Care booking, or if you only have a Holiday Care booking, because we'll only include the booking you have on the forms.

1. Let winz know that you intend to use OSCAR care.

2. Make your booking here. Play Time can only complete the Provider forms if your booking has been made.

3. Fill in your part of the correct winz form (see below if you’re not sure which form to use)

4. Send the form to us or let us know you would like to submit the forms and we will
get the Provider Portion back to you, or we can submit our part once you've submitted your part.

5. Every new Holiday/Next Term you will need to complete a new form. Once a year you will
need to complete an Annual Review and Verification

6.  Read the Winz Subsidy Info here for more information regarding the Subsidy and invoicing procedures

7.  Keep an eye on your myMSD account as Winz will liaise with you (they do not liaise with Play Time)

Out of School Care and Recreation (OSCAR) Subsidy is a payment which helps families with the costs of:

before and after school care: for up to 20 hours a week 

- school holiday programmesfor up to 50 hours a week. 


Childcare Application Form

Use this form if you’ve never applied for WINZ or haven’t had a subsidy for 6 months, or your Reviews & Verifications are not up to date

This form is required every single Holiday/Term.
Use this form if you’ve received an OSCAR subsidy in the last 6 months, and your
Reviews & Verifications are up to date

Once a year you will need to complete an Annual Review and Verification

Use this form if you have made changes / or intend to make changes to your booking - eg:
- you have added days to your booking
- you have reduced your booking
- you have added a Teacher Only Day

- you are changing from a different provider

Some FAQs about the OSCAR subsidy are below.  All information is taken directly from the Work and Income website.  Source:

Who is eligible for the subsidy? You may be able to get an OSCAR Subsidy if: - you're the principal caregiver of a dependent child - you're a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident - your family is on a low or middle income. You also need to be in one of these situations: - working, studying or on an approved training course - involved in an activity that Work and Income has asked you to do - a shift worker who works nights - seriously ill or disabled - caring for a child in hospital or for a child you get the Child Disability Allowance for. You can't get the OSCAR Subsidy if the child's other parent or caregiver can take care of the child. It also depends on how much you and your partner earn. To receive your OSCAR subsidy from the day your child starts the programme, you need to submit your application to us before your child's first day. This is especially important at school holidays. The child or young person must: - normally live in New Zealand be at school - be under 14 (or under 18 if you get a Child Disability Allowance for them) - be attending an approved OSCAR programme for at least 3 hours a week, which includes: before school after school holiday programmes and camps.

How much could I get? How much you get depends on the size of your family, your income and how many hours a week your child goes to the childcare provider. If you don't know how many hours of care you'll need each week (because you're a casual or on-call worker for instance) Winz will talk with you about your options when you apply for a subsidy. All subsidies are paid directly to the childcare provider. View the current rates

Check what you might get here The guide will help you find out the ways Work and Income can help you and your family. They’ll ask you some questions to help work out as accurately what you might be eligible for. It will take around 5 minutes. At the end, they’ll tell you the payments they think you might be able to get. The more information you can give, the more accurate the results will be. Winz won't keep your answers or use them to identify you. They'll only use the information you provide to work out what someone in your situation might be able to get. If you have a partner, they can complete the guide too. Payments you may get might be different for each of you. Please note this is a guide only. If you want to go ahead and apply, please go to MyMSD

When would the subsidy start from? Childcare assistance starts from the date the care starts (or from the date you apply if you apply after it starts).

What are the benefits of choosing an OSCAR Programme?    The OSCAR Standards provide reassurance to parents and caregivers that a programme is properly run and takes place in a safe environment for children. In addition, parents and caregivers may qualify for an OSCAR Subsidy. Parents of children attending unapproved programmes cannot receive an OSCAR Subsidy.

How do I apply? You need to apply at least 3 to 4 weeks before you need your subsidy to start. Winz can grant you the financial assistance you're entitled to from the date you first contact them, or the date your childcare started, whichever is later, if you complete your application within 20 working days of that date. If you're a Youth Service client, you need to talk to your Youth Service provider.

What steps must I take to apply? You and your partner (if you have one) need to complete the Childcare Assistance application form. Your childcare provider also needs to complete the supervisor's section inside this form. You'll need to email the application form, and any other documents Winz has asked you to get to or you can ask your childcare provider to send this to winz on your behalf.

Apply for the OSCAR subsidy and other payments through Winz.  You can apply online through MyMSD. Winz will also check to see if you can get any other help from winz based on the answers you give in your application. Apply online: Once you've applied online, they will tell you what you need to do. This will include having to get your childcare provider (Play Time) to complete the supervisor's section of the Childcare Assistance application form if they have not already done this

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We're sure all your questions will be answered here but there is more information here or here:
Winz Information, Handbook, Flyer and T&C's - if you have more questions, please contact Thurla. ​

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